Does your life feel in disarray? Do you feel paralyzed by racing thoughts? Is it difficult to shut your brain off? Do you have difficulty sleeping? Does your chest often feel tight and your heart race uncontrollably? Do you fear many things and wish it would all go away?


Anxiety is universal, especially when society constantly moves at a rapid, unforgiving pace. Life can feel chaotic, overwhelming, and hard to keep up with. 

If your anxiety feels disproportionate, paralyzing, and constantly inhibits your ability to live a happy life, therapy can help. Working with a therapist can help you understand how anxiety shows up in your life, what triggers your anxiousness, and how to mindfully work with your anxiety versus ignoring it, wishing it would quickly disappear forever. 

I want you to know that you don’t have to feel crippled from the feelings of worry, nervousness or apprehension that arise from anxiety. When we work together, I can help you to learn how anxiety manifests in your life, in your body, and in your mind. You will learn tools through Body-Centered Psychotherapy and mindfulness interventions to help you become aware of how anxiety shows up in your daily life. You will discover how to work with the anxiety that surfaces when life presents circumstances beyond your control. 

Creating more fluidity and less resistance is a recipe for living life with greater joy and balance! I would be happy to collaborate with you in creating this possibility in your life.